Our Vision

Our God-Given Passion & Purpose…

…is to be a Refuge for those seeking community in an effort to show them Jesus so they can encounter and have a relationship with Him. We want to love and lead people to be devoted disciples in pursuit of glorifying Him.

Our hope is to see this happen by simply living a devoted life to God and developing relationships with the people around us: neighbors, coworkers, and our community. As we reach people, our desire is to equip them to live for Jesus. We want to gather in celebration of who God is and what He desires for us through daily gathering in homes, in our community, and in collective gatherings to learn, grow, and pursue this common purpose. We want to provide a place that feels, acts, and looks like home… because after all, we are a family.

In short, we want to create a Refuge where we can BUILD RELATIONSHIPS to BUILD GOD’S KINGDOM.